AH, guess you guys saw this coming, the love post. It aint a blog unless i view my opinion on Lurv.
As my love life is some what non existent...and I have reasons for this:
You should be stronger than me
You been here 7 years longer than me
Don't you know you supposed to be the man,
Not pal in comparison to who you think I am,
You always wanna talk it through - I don't care!
I always have to comfort you when I'm there
But that's what I need you to do - stroke my hair!
Cause' I've forgotten all of young love's joy,
Feel like a lady, but you my lady boy!!!!
By Amy Winehouse - My inspiration for this post!!!
Ok let me just get this staright and out of the way, I will be generalizing men and women, and I am aware that when I say something negative about men, I realize that not all men are the same, perhaps its jus the ones i hang out with. Hey..... I'm just keepin it real.
mmmmmmmmm mmmmh |
Yet here I am living the single life( by choice or so I tell myself). Ha ha. I am loving it though, yet there are times i consider relationship. Now Im the type of girl that invest in people, the reason i have so little friends. I value the beauty of a relationship, being platonic or romantic. I am at this point in my life, where I' ve seen it all and heard it all and its now ME time. Ok when I mean Ive seen it all blah blah, I mean men nowadays dont value or respect women. And let me just say, I've met plenty of men who say they respect woman but in reality they don't. They will say anything to get into ur pants or even convince themselves that they respect you in that moment but let the moment pass and so does the respect. LOL the other day I read in a rape reading in which some excused the reason for rape, it read" The only thing you need to worry about it, is the erectile power of the penis and not the rational power of the mind" WTF. I wont elaborate find explanatory. My favourite line is that men now adays loooove 'Independent Woman'. HA! That is such bullshit. They love the IDEA of a woman who do not dependent on them. Me being an independent woman and speaking from experience, they can not handle us. Because being an independent woman means we dont need your money or your fly ride, Why? coz we got our own.....but wait, this also doesn't mean that I have to pay for everything and pick ur ass up when we go on a date at the venue that I had to choose. Damn! I am tired of being mothers to men. Ya'll say you can handle it, but when it comes down to the real deal, your manliness gets played down and all of a sudden we the controlling, clingy, nagging bitch. Look if you say a want an independent woman, you gotta step your game up! Coz we wont be waiting for you to save our asses coz nigga we aint no damsel in distress, We got this!!!!
We live in a modern society where a guy doesnt have to call a girl first or a girl can propose to a guy and buy him a drink. This all sounds great and fair but not many people understand the amount equality that it requires. As women we desire/need a form of attention ( but then again u do get them attention seeking bitches, which are on another level), and though we can play it cool/sweet when we approach a man and ask him for a drink we subconsciously expect the not only the same in return but more. We still want to feel desired some way or another. Yet in this modern world, I am an old fashion girl. I believe in morals and men chasing after women, men paying for dinner and men respecting woman by having a gentleman approach towards ladies.
In the movie 'The Women' the one lady says ' I am the man I wanted to marry." For me this holds alot of truth, i feel that men have taken back the seat and let woman take the lead. Personally ( as a feminist) I think its great but when it comes to love and relationships no one should take the back seat male or female, men and women respect each other. Though this would be an idealist approach it is a bases for a healthy relationship. And do notice how I said healthy and not perfect relationship because we all know there aint no such thing.
Two of favorite African American Actors |
Anyway, I listened to one of my favourite tracks now, Alicia Keys 'Unthinkable'. It was this song that reminded me of the beauty of being in love. And the power of it, despite all the 'bullshit' that I like to call it, somehow it made me want to fall in love again. But this time I want it to be as beautiful as I picture it in my head( knowing that this unrealistic). I hope that it is even better because that is what real love is, its a feeling, a vision you never envisioned but realized its something that you never could because it is beautiful on its own. I know I said nothing is perfect but that feeling of being completely in love is.... perfection! And though I'm going through a phase, Im just another lost soul out there exploring one of the many things in life that is unexplanatory. The thing is I can bitch about love, or I could be a stern naive believer either way LOVE is not something you choose, it comes to you naturally. So deep down under my black little heart is a place that is patiently waiting for that feeling/soulmate!
Thought this pic twas soo cute! Old couple bein inlove still....precious |