Okay confession time: I am obsessed with dreadlocks.... guys with dreads, kids with dreads, the longer the dreadlocks the better. Sigh.......... is there any hope
for me? I just think it's incredibly sexy and different.

Whoopi - My look Alike (apparently) |
Lauryn Hill - Effortless |
Now obviously I don't have dreads, the thing with dreads is the commitment you have to make, especially for a long period. I LOVE HAIR WAY TOO MUCH! I love styling hair, blowing out hair, GHDing; I am a tart like that. My fascination with dreads has come a long way with my love for hair. So in effort to not let his obsession consume me, I decided to do something close enough to it. BRIADS. Surprisingly my inspiration came a picture of Solange Knowles( Beyonce sister) she had braided her hair and went old school with it, really thick and very long braids. I thought it looked dope and I loved the 90s feel of it. Then later inspired by the 90s I then went for a shorter style, this time round, Jada Pickett Smith Set it Off vibes. Feeling very Lauryn Hill......... my friends put me my place and said I looked like Whoopi Goldberg. Smh, LOL. Oh well. Anyway I finally got me some dread looking braids. Stoked about the whole thing, trying something different, but I had not anticipated that I would indirectly be involved in a social experiment.
Jada Pickett Smith |
My modern twist to Jada Pickett Smith |
After getting the braids(Long thick ones) I understood that it was a rather drastic look and would get attention for the length of the braids. Therefore resembling dreadlocks, I experienced the two connotations of dreadlocks in society:
- Bad, Dreadlocks are seen as taboo in society, only done by Rastafarians or pot heads.
- Respected, as a 'sista'
Me with the long braids |
Solange Knowles with Braids |
Now it was the 2nd point that made want to write this post. Besides all the dirty looks I got from the conservative folk who in the past treated me different. It was the amount of respect I got just because I had 'dreads'. People would walk pass me and give me a respectable nod, raise their fists, peace signs and whatever else you do to an "Iya"( a nickname I learnt to respond to). All of a sudden my hair had some kind of political and symbolic meaning, I felt like I was representing the opposed society and standing up against 'The man'. Now as cool as this sounds and fun it is to play along like I'm some kind of Rastafarian poet but this is not relevant to me. All I did was change my hair. Now being the fruitcake that I am, I was a little overwhelmed and had to keep jumping into defence mode......... I'm NOT A RASTA!!!(Being a vegetarian didn't help convincing people) I don't smoke pot and most importantly believe in the religion. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Rastafarian culture/tradition, like any other religion I respect it and do not judge it. But it's just hair!!! And in my case a hairstyle.

Here is the most bizarre thing, people were now more willing to listen to my views (as if I was going to say something spiritually poetic and liberal)........... Truth is I would have said something worthwhile anyway regardless of my hair. I consider myself to be a deep person of some sort, and have very strong moral, political and liberal views in life. Look ima Keep it REAL here .......The keyword here is 'listen' people started to take my opinions more seriously, assuming from my look (hair) that I am a liberal being and would say something uplifting. This is what upsets me, the mere fact my hairstyle gained respect from a community to only then acknowledge my spiritual and intellectual capabilities, is fucken pathetic. Come on people, this kind of stereotyping is soooo old; it has no real relevance in the 21st century. Can we please let this go? Thanks
On the real: Lastly this was my personal experiment, it does not mean that anyone who gets braids will get the same reaction from society that I experienced, this was something I picked up and thought I would voice it.
*FYI: I'm back to my roots (kroes kop) and loving my natural hair, but can't wait to braid my hair again, it was fun experiment... wouldn't you say?
How Amazing is this red......... I Want |